Import words from Excel (XLS)

Save the XLS file in the folder "\MyDictionary\Files\XLS\" in your device's memory (please create this folders if they do not exist, or export data to Excel to create them automatically). Then open the app and go to the Settings -> "Export and import of the words" -> "Import words from XLS(Excel) file", then select the saved file and click on the "Import" button

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One page - one dictionary. The name of the sheet must contain between 2 and 3 characters (language designation). For example: FR - French, DE - German, RU - Russian.

Languages and Language Designations

The main row with column names

The main row with column names should be located on top of the sheet (not lower than 25th row) and be sure to include cells "Word" and "Translation." The remaining cells "Tags", "Transcription", "Additional translation", "Examples" and "Learned" are optional. No matter what sequence of these cells and their location in one row.

Multiple translations, tags, examples of a word

You can add multiple translations, tags, examples of a word separated by the symbol ";" or by transition to a new line.

Example with translation

The example and translation are entered in a single cell and separated by the symbol "—" (long dash). Translation of the example is optional and may be skipped.

Multiple translations, tags, examples of a word